Cancelation Policy

For Cancellations please contact us via contact us link. Requests received later than 7 business days prior to the end of the current service period will be treated as cancellation of services for the next service period.

Returns Cancelation Policy

Cancellation before shipment (Only valid on Delivery in India): If the order or the item(s) that you want to cancel have not been shipped yet, you can write to our customer support team on or call us on +91 7080935488. (10am- 6pm).

In such cases, the order will be cancelled, and the money will be refunded to you within 24-48 business hours after the cancellation request is duly processed by us.

Returns, Replacements and Refunds

Our focus is complete customer satisfaction. In the event, if you are displeased with the services provided, we will refund back the money, provided the reasons are genuine and proved after investigation. Please read the fine prints of each deal before buying it, it provides all the details about the services or the product you purchase.

In case of dissatisfaction from our services, clients have the liberty to cancel their projects and request a refund from us. Our Policy for the cancellation and refund will be as follows:

Cancellation Policy

For Cancellations please contact us via contact us link.

Requests received later than 7 business days prior to the end of the current service period will be treated as cancellation of services for the next service period.
